Here is the way to do it......
System Properties window appear when you Right click the My Computer Icon
Step 1: Create your own picture having dimension 178x87 pixels or near to that dimensions.
Step 2: Save that image as "oemlogo.bmp" at SystemRoot.
(For Windows NT or above Windows2k save it at "WINDOWS\system32" For Windows 98 at system folder)
Step 3:Create a text file and save it as "oeminfo.ini" at the same path as Step 2.
Step 4:Write in that file following codes.
Manufacturer=bla bla bla
Model=bla bla bla
[Support Information]
Line1=" "
Line2=" Hi, Dear Friends, Hope U contact me:"
Line4=" name"
Line5=" address1"
Line6=" address2"
Line7=" address3"
Line9=" contact No (voice)"
Line12=" your e-mail"
Line13=" your email"
You can add any number of lines and free to create your own file by changing words inside the double quotation marks.
Step 5: After saving the files (oemlogo.bmp and oeminfo.ini) go to My Comuter Icon
and Right Click that Under the General tab You will the what you created.
This is really interesting machan, Let's pu our own identity to the PC